Day 8 VBA Hero – Storing values from your worksheet

Generally speaking selecting a value from a worksheet does nothing.

What we want to do is to see what is the value in a specific cell.

For my example, I am still in Sheet1 and would like to know what it the value in the cell A4 and also cell D4.

It would look something like this:

Sub CheckValues()

Dim strCellValue1 As String
Dim strCellValue2 As String

strCellValue1 = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A4").Value

strCellValue1 = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D4").Value

End Sub

I have defined two variables so that I can input the values in cells A4 and D4 in them.

For today’s homework:

Complete the above code with the following conditions.

Input a whole number in cell A4 of Sheet1.
Input a different whole number in cell D4 of Sheet1.

Write an If Statement that verifies is the value in A4 is larger than the value in D4.

If it is, have a message box that states that A4 is larger.

if it is not, have a message box that states that D4 is larger

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