Day 1 VBA Hero

Every journey begins with a single step.

VBA or Visual Basic for Application or commonly called macros.

I will be using VBA in my terminology because VBA can also be used in other applications of the Office suite.

Some of the functions in Excel refer to macros, thus sometimes you will come across the term. But they are all interchangeable.

To start: Add the Developer tab to your Excel toolbar.

Click on File-Options. Customize Ribbon. Check next to Developper box. Then press OK at the bottom. (Image 1)

This will add a button on the bottom left side of Excel that will all you to record macros. These macros will literally do everything that you do while in Excel: click a cell, write in a cell, scroll down. It all gets recorded. (Image 2).

We will possible use the recorder in certain cases to get the write lines that you will need. But, since the recorder captures everything you do, it can add many many useless lines to your code.

So, we will not be recording too many macros. They have a use, but not all of the time.

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